[Video] Breaking Down Critical Social Justice Theory in K-12 Education

Here, James Lindsay sits down with high school teacher Will Reusch to talk about an issue of far more importance than the attention it is currently getting: the deep encroachment of Critical Social Justice Theory and activism into our primary and secondary education programs.

As they discuss, it is certainly true that most educators are just caring, engaged individuals who want to do what’s best for all their students, and it is this impulse that Critical Social Justice is manipulating to remake our education system into one of critical pedagogy for equity instead of effective pedagogy for learning. 

As effectively all of our colleges of education and pre-service teacher education programs are now based on critical pedagogy—the teaching of critical theory in service of the view that “teaching is a political act”—this is a significant problem. As our education programs prepare our future professionals, leaders, and citizens, this is also an important problem.

Join Lindsay and Reusch for an animated discussion of the hows and whys behind the Critical Social Justice movement’s bid to establish itself in our K-12 education programs and beyond.