About us

Who we are

This site is run under the auspices of the South African Institute of Race Relations (IRR).

The IRR is a storied South African think-tank that has fought racial indoctrination and discrimination in South Africa since 1929. It rose to become the most prominent anti-apartheid think tank in the world. Loathed by the apartheid government, it exposed, advocated and lobbied against the cruelties of that system to great effect, both within the country and around the world.

Its methods are to use expert research and analysis to place pressure on politicians and other actors to abandon bad policies and embrace those that will be most effective in promoting civil rights and common prosperity.

In a small anecdote of history, the IRR helped to finance Nelson Mandela’s university studies and he in turn quoted it from the dock in his famous ‘I am prepared to die’ speech. Its list of past presidents includes Leo Marquard, who was a founder member of the Liberal Party; Oliver Schreiner, who was described as the ‘greatest chief justice South Africa never had’ (having been overlooked for the role because of his liberal opinions); Denis Hurley, the Archbishop of Durban, who declared from the pulpit that apartheid was blasphemy; William Nkomo, who was the first chairman of the provisional ANC Youth League; Stanley Mokgobo, who would later go on to lead the Pan Africanist Congress when Black Consciousness was still an honourable tradition; and Helen Suzman.

Collectively they stand as testament to its character. Today the IRR continues to advocate for civil liberties and the policies that will ensure South Africa’s future as a free, prosperous, and united society.

Our goals

Our overarching goal is to support the education of well-adjusted young men and women of sound character and strong moral standing who will go on to help build a free, prosperous, non-racial and stable South Africa. We do that in part by helping to:

  • Educate parents and teachers about the damage that Critical Race Theory (CRT) indoctrination does to the psychological development of children;
  • Provide them with the resources to become informed enough to oppose CRT indoctrination effectively;
  • Teach parents and teachers how to spot the danger signs of CRT indoctrination in their children and their schools;
  • Provide them with advice and strategies for confronting school governing bodies and teachers that drive the indoctrination

If we are successful, children will be taught how to think and not what to think, and certainly not that it is acceptable to think that their race defines them above all else and makes it acceptable to discriminate against their classmates on grounds of race.